Warwickshire Signposting Links Summer 2022

Advice Topic Area (A-Z)

Key Organisations

Method of Provision

Alcoholics Anonymous.
Tel: 0800 9177 650

Information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking
Free helpline: 0800 358 3456

If you have a problem with drugs Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.
Tel: 0300 123 6600. Text: 82111


Go to their web page to talk to a counsellor online

Crisis Lines

Tel: 116123

Tel: 0800 1111

Childcare and Early Years

Find registered childcare, family activities, holiday clubs and support groups near you.

Useful information on childcare funding, Working Tax Credit, Childcare vouchers schemes and more.

Debt Concerns

Managing Money Warwickshire County Council

Disability Concerns

For people with complex disabilities

Domestic Abuse

NSPCC and others have lists of signs that can help you recognise the effects of domestic abuse on children.

Educational Support

WCC education information for parents and carers

Educational Support SEND

Information and resources for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND)

Help to find work can be found on Gov.UK
Find a Job – to search for current job vacancies

Job Help – provides hints and tips on applying for jobs and job search ideas.

Kickstart offers a six month paid work placement to 16-24 year olds who are in receipt of Universal Credit. For more information young people should send a journal message from their digital account to their work coach to express an interest in the scheme,

Energy Advice

Check to see if you are eligible for assistance with heating. Warmer Homes is a Warm Home Fund project that provides free gas connections and first-time central heating for the vulnerable.

LEAP Appliances is an initiative to support fuel poor and vulnerable households through the replacement of old, inefficient fridges, freezers, fridge-freezers, washing machines, and cookers with modern, efficient alternatives.

Family Health

Advice and guidance on health services in Warwickshire

Family Support Service

Warwickshire Family Information Service, hold a wealth of information from finding childcare, family activities, holiday clubs and support in your area.

Financial Advice and Education

Financial Advice

Food poverty

Trussell Trust Foodbanks

Housing Advice

Warwickshire CC Housing Advice

Nutritional Information

Change4Life resources from Public Health England – focusing on healthy eating and physical activity for children.

Home | Change4Life (www.nhs.uk)

Additional Change4Life links are below

Warm Hubs

Find a local warm space

Youth Services

Services for children and young people